General Information

Operator/ka Kamery/Montażysta/ka|Video Studio | Enabling Services
Work arrangement
Enabling Services
Marketing & PR
Area of interest
Marketing & PR
Way of work

Description & Requirements

Kogo szukamy


  • A minimum of 3 years of experience in creating video content, supported by a portfolio.
  • Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Suite and DaVinci Resolve), supported by a portfolio.
  • Familiarity with streaming applications such as OBS and Wirecast is a plus.
Twoja przyszła rola


  • Creating video content that creatively and engagingly showcases our services and builds brand awareness.
  • Creating webinars, podcasts, and livestream events.
  • Developing concepts and scripts for video materials used in both internal and external communications (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Deloitte's internal portals).
  • Coordinating video production—from briefing to post-production.
  • Organizing and working on set in our studio as well as on location.
  • Collaborating closely with internal clients during the concept and execution stages.
  • Post-production work, including video editing, color correction, adding music and transcriptions, and adding or creating 2D animations to produce engaging content.
To oferujemy
  • Great opportunity for professional development;
  • Interesting and stable job in multinational company;
  • Open and friendly organizational culture;
  • Benefit package (Trainings, Private Health Insurance, Multisport).
O Deloitte
Deloitte to różnorodność ludzi, doświadczeń, branż i usług, w których je realizujemy - w 150 krajach na świecie. To wyzwania intelektualne, dobry start zawodowy, możliwości ciągłego rozwoju i zebrania cennych życiowych doświadczeń. Musisz zrobić pierwszy krok - postawić kropkę na końcu wysyłanego CV, a potem podpisywanej umowy o pracę. Deloitte to po prostu dobry wybór. I kropka.